The shine, sparkle, & flash of glass attracts the attention of all types of fish. Also a more life like presentation at 1/4th the weight of lead. Our glass jigs are lead free, and Eco-friendly. There is no paint to wear off so Tactiglass jigs & lures will look as good as the day you bought 'em for as long as you got 'em. Discover the benefits of glass...
UV with glow Crappie Click jigs
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At 1/2 the size of our walleye click jigs, Still with the same attracting features; glow glass, clicking sound ( when jigged/popped up and down quickly ), and a #10 treble hook, when tipped with a minnow, they are a hit with crappie. Now with UV glass! Fish live by UV, to locate predators, prey, and their mates. These lures attract fish!
Note: The UV light used in the photos are for our visual benefit, fish see these colors naturally.
Candy Glass Crappie Click Jigs
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Half the size of our walleye click jigs. With the sparkle and shine of glass and the ability to bring in fish by sound ( by quickly jigging/popping the pole ), also a #10 treble hook, when tipped with a minnow , is deadly to crappie.
UV with glow walleye click jigs
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Quickly jigging your your rod in a short up and down popping motion will cause a clicking sound made by the beads on the Walleye click jig, attracting fish with sound. Along with the brightness of our glow glass, and the natural sparkle of glass, our click jigs are a very attracting lure. tipped with a minnow on our size 10 treble hooks, they are as deadly as they are attractive. Now with UV glass and glow glass. Fish live by UV, to identify predators, prey, and their mates. These lures attract fish.
Note: The UV light used in the photos are for our visual benefit, fish see these colors naturally.
Candy Glass walleye Click Jigs
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Now you can attract fish using their enhanced ability to detect sound/vibration. By quickly jigging the pole with a popping motion the bead action will emit a clicking sound calling attention to your lure from a greater distance than sight alone. The sparkle of glass, the clicking sound, and a #10 treble hook, tipped with a minnow, are a deadly combination.
Glow Jigs Size 6
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At 1/4 the weight of lead jigs , of the same size, our glass jigs offer a more life like presentation. The sparkle of glass and the addition of glow glass for low light conditions adds up to a presentation that fish find hard to resist.
Ice Jigs Size 6
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Mix and matching different sizes are allowed.
(including Candy Glass jigs)
Glow Jigs Size 8
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At 1/4 the weight of lead jigs , of the same size, our glass jigs offer a more life like presentation. The sparkle of glass and the addition of glow glass for low light conditions adds up to a presentation that fish find hard to resist.
Ice Jigs Size 8
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Mixing and matching different sizes are allowed.
(including Candy Glass jigs)
Glow Jigs Size 10
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At 1/4 the weight of lead jigs , of the same size, our glass jigs offer a more life like presentation. The sparkle of glass and the addition of glow glass for low light conditions adds up to a presentation that fish find hard to resist.
Ice Jigs Size 10
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Mixing and matching different sizes are allowed.
(including Candy Glass jigs)
Ta-Da Baits - Glowing Ice Baits
1 bag of Wigglers contain 20 bait.
1 bag of Fry's contain 8 bait.
Candy Glass UV Trout Bites
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Our new Candy Glass UV trout bites are hand crafted on a 105 lb. titanium stainless wire, with #0 French spinner blade, a #12 treble hook and our unique UV glass. At an approx. 2 inches it weighs in at a light 3/32. Heavy enough for casting and light enough to keep high in the water.
Note: pictures are taken under UV light.
Candy Glass UV trout spinner #1
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Our new Candy Glass trout spinner #1 is hand crafted on a 105 lb. titanium stainless wire, with #2 French spinner blade, a #12 treble hook and our unique UV glass. At 2.25 inches it weighs in at a light 3/16.
Note: pictures are taken under UV light.
Candy Glass UV trout spinner #2
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Our new Candy Glass trout spinner #2 is hand crafted on a 105 lb. titanium stainless wire, with a #3 French spinner blade, a #10 treble hook, and our unique UV glass. At 2.5 inches it weighs in at 1/4.
Note: pictures are taken under a UV light.
UV Spinners
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Tactiglass Spinner Baits are a uniquely designed glass bodied lure, hand crafted of 195lb tooth proof leader wire, #4 polished shallow cup spinner blades which spin easily at slow speeds , size 4 treble hook, with an approximate 5 1/5 - 6 in length and 13g-16g weight. (Note: To magnify, hover mouse over image. Magnifier ability works better on desktop.)Now with UV glass. Fish live buy seeing UV, to identify predators, prey, and their mates. Note: The UV light used in the photos are for our visual benefit, fish see these colors naturally.
Muskie Spinners with UV glass
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Tactiglass Muskie Lures are a uniquely designed glass bodied spinner bait, Hand crafted of 240lb tooth proof titanium leader wire, Double Sz #8 polished Aspen Deep cup spinner blades, 2-3/0 treble hooks, with an approximate 10.5in length and 50g or 1.8 oz weight. NEW: introducing our UV glass. Fish live by UV, identifying predators, prey, and their mates ( Note: to magnify, hover mouse over image. Magnifier ability works best on desktop.)
Note: The UV light used in the photos are for our visual benefit, fish see these colors naturally.
Ta-Da baits
" Ta-Da"! We now have the perfect size and color plastic baits for our candy glass jigs. Perfect for our method of slow trolling weed lines ( watch the video on the home page) and putting a lot of fish in your boat. Our 2 1/4 inch silver fish design are the size to use with our #4 crappie jigs and the 3 inch are to be used with our 1/0 and 2/0 candy glass jigs for bass and walleye. Give these sweet scented baits a try, you won't be disappointed. 2 1/4" come 10 to a bag, and the 3" come 8 to a bag.
Candy Glass Knucklehead UV Jigs
Mixing and matching different sizes are allowed.
(including Ice fishing jig sizes 6, 8, & 10)
#4 Crappie jigs
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Our size 4 crappie jigs are great for slow trolling weed lines and casting near cover. At 1/4 the weight of lead jigs, We are able to present baits twice the size than we ever could before without hooking all the weeds ( watch the slow trolling video on our home page ). Thread on a 2 - 2 1/2 inch plastic minnow and enjoy catching more larger crappies than ever before.
1/0 Candy Glass jigs
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At 1/4 of the weight of lead jigs of the same size allowing the angler to slow troll much larger baits at weed lines and drop offs, close to cover, that lead jigs won't allow. The sparkle and flash of glass attracts all fish. Larger baits... larger fish, and more of them. With a 1 year free replacement warranty on all glass products from Tactical Fishing.